Functional Skills Maths Entry 3


E3.1. Count, read, write, order and compare numbers up to 1000 

E3.1.1. Count in ones up to 1000   Video    

E3.1.2. Count in twos up to 1000   Video    

E3.1.3. Count in tens up to 1000    Video

E3.1.4. Count in hundreds up to 1000   Video 

Count up to 1000  Questions   Answers

E3.1.5. Read and write numbers up to 1000   Video   Questions   Answers

E3.1.6. Order and compare numbers up to 1000   Video   Questions   Answers

Represent numbers up to 1000 using money and cubes   Video

E3.2. Add and subtract using three-digit whole numbers

E3.2.1. Add three digit whole numbers   Video   Questions   Answers

E3.2.2. Subtract three digit whole numbers   Video   Questions   Answers

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E3.3. Divide three-digit whole numbers by single and double digit whole numbers and express remainders

E3.3.1. Divide three-digit whole numbers by single and double digit numbers and express remainders  Video Questions Answers

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E3.4. Multiply two-digit whole numbers by single and double digit whole numbers

E3.4.1. Multiply two-digit whole numbers by single digit whole numbers   Video   

E3.4.2. Multiply two-digit whole numbers by double digit whole numbers  Video  

Multiply two-digit whole numbers by single and double digit whole numbers   Questions   Answers

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E3.5. Approximate by rounding numbers less than 1000 to the nearest 10 or 100 and use this rounded answer to check results

E3.5.1. Approximate by rounding numbers less than 1000 to the nearest 10 and use this rounded answer to check results  Video   

E3.5.2. Approximate by rounding numbers less than 1000 to the nearest 100 and use this rounded answer to check results  Video  

Approximate by rounding numbers less than 1000 to the nearest 10 and use this rounded answer to check results  Questions   Answers

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E3.6. Recognise and continue linear sequences of numbers up to 100

E3.6.1. Recognise and continue linear sequences of numbers up to 100   Video   Questions   Answers

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E3.7. Read, write and understand thirds, quarters, fifths and tenths including equivalent forms

E3.7.1. Read, write and understand thirds, quarters, fifths and tenths    Video   

E3.7.2. Read, write and understand equivalent forms of thirds, quarters, fifths and tenths   Video  

Read, write and understand thirds, quarters, fifths and tenths and their equivalent forms   Questions   Answers

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E3.8. Read, write and use decimals up to two decimal places

E3.8.1. Read, write and use decimals up to two decimal places  Video   Questions   Answers

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E3.9. Recognise and continue sequences that involve decimals 

E3.9.1. Recognise and continue sequences that involve decimals   Video   Questions   Answers

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Measure, Shape and Space

E3.10. Calculate with money using decimal notation and express money correctly in writing in pounds and pence

E3.10.1. Calculate with money using decimal notation and express money correctly in writing in pounds and pence   Video   Questions   Answers

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E3.11. Round amounts of money to the nearest £1 or 10p

E3.11.1. Round amounts of money to the nearest £1 or 10p  Video   Questions   Answers

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E3.12. Read, measure and record time using am and pm

E3.12.1. Read, measure and record time using am and pm   Video   Questions   Answers

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E3.13. Read time from analogue and 24 hour digital clocks in hours and minutes

E3.13.1. Read time from analogue and 24 hour digital clocks in hours and minutes   Video   Questions   Answers

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E3.14. Use and compare measures of length, capacity, weight and temperature using metric or imperial units to the nearest labelled or unlabelled division

E3.14.1. Use and compare measures of length, capacity, weight and temperature using metric or imperial units to the nearest labelled or unlabelled division   Video   Questions   Answers

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E3.15. Compare metric measures of length including millimetres, centimetres, metres and kilometres

E3.15.1. Compare metric measures of length including millimetres, centimetres, metres and kilometres   Video   Questions   Answers

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E3.16. Compare measures of weight including grams and kilograms

E3.16.1. Compare measures of weight including grams and kilograms   Video   Questions   Answers

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E3.17. Compare measures of capacity including millilitres and litres

E3.17.1. Compare measures of capacity including millilitres and litres   Video   Questions   Answers

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E3.18. Use a suitable instrument to measure mass and length

E3.18.1. Use a suitable instrument to measure mass and length    Video   Questions   Answers

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E3.19. Sort 2-D and 3-D shapes using properties including lines of symmetry, length, right angles, angles including in rectangles and triangles

E3.19.1. Sort 2-D shapes using properties including lines of symmetry, length, right angles, angles including in rectangles and triangles   Videos   Questions   Answers

E3.19.2. Sort 3-D shapes using properties    Video   Questions   Answers

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E3.20. Use appropriate positional vocabulary to describe position and direction including eight compass points and including full/half/quarter turns 

E3.20.1. Use appropriate positional vocabulary to describe position and direction including eight compass points and including full/half/quarter turns   Video   Questions   Answers

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Handling Information and Data

E3.21. Extract information from lists, tables, diagrams and charts and create frequency tables

E3.21. Extract information from lists, tables, diagrams, charts and create frequency tables Video   

E3.21.1. Extract information from lists   Questions Answers

E3.21.2. Extract information from tables   Questions Answers

E3.21.3. Extract information from bar charts  Questions Answers

E3.21.4. Extract information from pictograms and create frequency tables   Questions Answers

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E3.22. Interpret information, to make comparisons and record changes, from different formats including bar charts and simple line graphs

E3.22.1. Interpret information, to make comparisons and record changes, from different formats including bar charts and simple line graphs   Video   Questions   Answers

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E3.23. Organise and represent information in appropriate ways including tables, diagrams, simple line graphs and bar charts 

E3.23.1. Organise and represent information in appropriate ways including tables, diagrams, simple line graphs and bar charts   Video   Questions   Answers

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