When do Functional Skills exams take place?


When do Functional Skills exams take place?

  1. Exam Schedule and Format:

The exams for Functional Skills Qualifications (FSQs) in Mathematics and English are different from GCSE exams. They are available throughout the year, providing flexibility for learners to take the exams when they feel ready. The exams are administered by approved educational institutions or online learning platforms, under supervised conditions. If you are studying at a college, your should ask your teacher about the exam dates as they vary from place to place. If you are studying privately, you need to find a centre where you can sit the exam and ask them about potential exam dates and other details.

Functional Skills exams can be either paper-based or online, depending on the exam board and the preference of the learner or the institution.

  1. Exam Content:

The Functional Skills Maths and English exams are designed to assess the learner’s ability to apply practical skills in real-world scenarios.

In Maths, the exam covers key areas such as number handling, measures, data handling, and understanding of shape and space. The focus is on problem-solving, using mathematical skills in everyday situations.

In English, the exam assesses reading, writing, speaking, listening, and communication skills. The emphasis is on understanding and producing texts, participating in verbal exchanges, and presenting information.

  1. Exam Structure:

The structure of the exams can vary slightly between different exam boards, but they generally follow a similar pattern.

In Maths, the exam is usually divided into two sections: a non-calculator section and a calculator-allowed section. The non-calculator section tests basic arithmetic and problem-solving skills, while the calculator-allowed section involves more complex calculations and data interpretation.

In English, the exam is divided into three sections: Reading, Writing, and Speaking & Listening. The Reading and Writing sections are usually written exams, while the Speaking & Listening section is assessed through a controlled assessment or a practical activity.

The total marks for each part of the exam can vary depending on the level and the exam board, but each section is designed to comprehensively assess the learner’s skills in that area.

  1. Remarking and Resitting:

If a learner is not satisfied with their exam results, they can request a remark. The process for this varies between exam boards, but it generally involves submitting a request through the educational institution or directly to the exam board within a specified time frame. There is a fee for this, which varies between exam boards.

If a learner does not pass the exam, they can resit it. There is usually no limit to the number of times a learner can resit the exam, but it’s advisable to undertake additional study or revision before attempting the exam again.


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